
Teledyne Marine Acoustic Imaging Group

Teledyne Marine Acoustic Imaging Group Today’s advances in sonar technology are revealing astounding detail of the realms of the deep, imaging unknown features like never before. The Teledyne Marine Acoustic Imaging Group is at the forefront of pushing the boundaries of technology through three companies offering complementary sonar products: • Teledyne RESON • Teledyne Odom […]

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Future for Manufacturing and Engineering

Future for Manufacturing and Engineering UVS Chief Technology Officer, Darren Burrowes, is to participate in the Australian Industry Group Summit on the Future for Manufacturing and Engineering to be held in Newcastle 29 and 31 July 2104. The Hunter region has enjoyed steady growth over the previous 20 years due primarily to the expansion of […]

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Versatile Sea Spider

Versatile Sea Spider The versatile Sea Spider seafloor instrument mount was deployed in the Sydney Aquarium to provide an easy to manage and stable base for sonar trials conducted with fish in the aquarium. The modular Sea Spider mount disassembles into three pieces making it easy to transport and fast to assemble on site. Once […]

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Cable Terminated for Offshore Renewable Energy Project

Cable Terminated for Offshore Renewable Energy Project UVS has completed termination of cables for the Carnegie Wave Energy CETO Perth Wave Energy Project, Western Australia. This project will be the first demonstration of a complete grid-connected, commercial scale CETO system anywhere in the world. Using techniques recently developed for termination of ROV tethers for Saab […]

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Wireless for Subsea (WFS) Case Study: Seatooth® PPC

Wireless for Subsea (WFS) Case Study: Seatooth® PPC Wireless for Subsea (WFS), a world leading supplier of subsea wireless instrumentation and control solutions, successfully delivered wireless communication systems to Baker Hughes for a pipeline pre-commissioning project. WFS supplied a Seatooth® PPC system for wireless data logging during pipeline pre-commissioning on a project in the Liwan […]

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Teledyne RESON and Odom Confirmed for Demo at AIAIA

Teledyne RESON and Odom Confirmed for Demo at AIAIA BlueZone General Manager Oceanographic and Hydrographic, Mark Hegarty, has confirmed that both Teledyne RESON and Teledyne Odom will demonstrate Multi-Beam Echo Sounder (MBES) products at ADCPs in Action in Australia at the Gold Coast in September. Mark said that the formation of the Teledyne Marine Acoustic […]

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BlueZone at GeoHab 2014

BlueZone Group at GeoHab 2014 BlueZone’s General Manager Oceanographic and Hydrographic, Mark Hegarty, attended GeoHab 2014 in Lorne, Victoria, along with Thomas Meurling the VP Sales Solution Concepts & Asia Pacific for Teledyne. GeoHab (Marine Geological and Biological Habitat Mapping), is an international association of marine scientists study biophysical (i.e. geologic & oceanographic) indicators of […]

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Clever Buoy Engineering Development by BlueZone

Clever Buoy Engineering Development by BlueZone BlueZone Chief Technology Officer, Darren Burrowes, said that BlueZone was pleased to have supported Shark Mitigation Service in development of the Optus “Clever Buoy”, an innovative device for detection of sharks at beaches. “Shark Mitigation Systems came to us with their idea for the Clever Buoy”, said Burrowes, “And […]

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Components Critical For Ocean Power Projects

Components Critical For Ocean Power Projects As the testing of ocean power projects gathers pace, so has the demand for critical sub-sea components and connectors that form part of these wave and tidal generators. “For over 40 years, we have been supplying components, engineering and support to customers in diverse markets including offshore oil and […]

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Future of Aviation Pingers

Future of Aviation Pingers UVS distributes a complete line of proven underwater locator products provided by Teledyne Benthos. These locator locator devices fall into two general categories: pingers and transponders. To locate and recover pingers, a diver with a handheld device can “listen” for, and home-in on the device. The ELP-362D Emergency Locator Beacon model […]

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