Case Studies

We are an Australian company with a growing international reputation
focusing on the design and servicing of high quality underwater
electronics used in harsh environments.

Case Study

Bluezone is one of the most recognised and highly regarded suppliers of subsea technology and underwater electronics in Australia. We have over 40 years experience across many market sectors.

A pioneer in the supply, service and engineering of systems for ocean, coastal and river applications, BlueZone matches state-of-the-art technology with know-how to get jobs done for demanding customers operating in harsh environments.

Benefit from our experience in by reviewing the Case Studies found on this page. Check back regularly for updates and insights into the application of innovative technologies.

Contact BlueZone Group for further information on these Case Studies or to discuss how our innovative ideas can solve your problems.

Case Study: Camera Enclosures for Harsh Environments

As machine vision cameras and hardware are increasingly deployed in industrial and harsh environments many users have the need to package their equipment for long-term survivability. BlueZone engineering is founded on the need to package equipment for some of the harshest environments that are encountered… Read More


Case Study: Darwin Pile Driving

BlueZone provided leading environmental services consultant PGM Environment, with engineering services support for studies associated with underwater noise risk mitigation measures for development work in Darwin Harbour. This centred upon pile driving required to install ship facilities and navigation markers. It was understood that certain iconic marine fauna within Darwin Harbour, notably various species of dolphins, dugongs and turtles, were suspected of being sensitive to the noise from marine piling works… Read More


Case Study: Flow Measurements at Eraring Power Station

Eraring Power Station is one of two coal fired electricity power stations with four 720 MW Toshiba steam driven turbo-alternators for a combined capacity of 2,880 MW. The station is located near the township of Dora Creek, on the western shore of Lake Macquarie, New South Wales, Australia and is owned and operated by Eraring Energy. The cooling water flow for steam condensation (main turbine condensers and steam feed pump condensers) is drawn from Bonnell’s Bay, Lake Macquarie, passing under Dora Creek through a concrete tunnel (caisson) and open canal… Read More


Case Study: GPS Integration into RiverRay

Many users prefer to integrate a GPS into RiverRay for difficult conditions such as moving beds. The RiverRay is fully DGPS compatible and supports the integration of a large number of OEM GPS units. The advantage of this approach is that customers can integrate a GPS unit that they already have in their inventory – there is no requirement to include a dedicated GPS in the RiverRay that may not be used for many applications… Read More


Case Study: Marina and Boat Inspection

Falcon ROV demonstrates the capability for shaft, propeller and rudder inspection in Sydney Harbour… Read More


Case Study: Sediment Transport in Singapore Harbour

During dredging operations in Singapore Harbour, there was a need to closely monitor the sediment transport in real time to avoid impact on designated areas. Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers (ADCPs) from Teledyne RD Instruments were the logical choice to measure water currents and twenty instruments were deployed to provide for measurement at key locations… Read More


Case Study: Wave Monitoring for Darwin Harbour

The Australian Institute of Marine Science (AIMS) successfully installed a Wave Monitoring System at the entrance to Darwin Harbour. The Wave Monitoring System was comprised of a Teledyne RDI Workhorse Sentinel Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) operating at 600kHz and equipped with NEMO waves. The ADCP was bottom mounted and a Teledyne Benthos ATM916 acoustic modem was used to communicate ADCP data through the water to a topside NextG modem that transmitted data to the AIMS website for display… Read More



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BlueZone Group Steps Up for a Cleaner Thornton

A Dedicated Team Takes Action to Remove Waste and Support a Greener Community. In the early work hours of Friday morning, a dedicated team from BlueZone Group set out on...

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Slocum G3 Glider: Advanced Autonomous Ocean Monitoring

Long-Endurance, Modular, and Remote-Operable for Diverse Applications The Teledyne Marine Slocum G3 Glider is a buoyancy-driven autonomous underwater vehicle designed for long-range, extended-duration ocean monitoring. Used in academic, military, and...

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BlueZone Group: Supporting REMUS UUVs Across Australia and the Pacific

Comprehensive Service, Expert Sales, and Ongoing Support for REMUS UUVs in Australia and the Pacific BlueZone Group proudly announces the arrival of the 14th REMUS Unmanned Underwater Vehicle (UUV) for...

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Training for the Future: NSW Police Divers Master the SRS FUSION ROV

Harnessing Advanced Underwater Technology for Safer, More Efficient Operations Despite heavy rains and thunderstorms, BlueZone Group and SRS team members successfully conducted training for the NSW Police Diving Unit on...

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