Blue Zone Group Posts

Subsea Electronics Modules

Subsea Electronics Modules BlueZone continues to meet demand from Offshore Oil & Gas and Ocean Renewable Energy customers for Subsea Electronics Modules (SEM) that enable deployment of electronic systems and sensors to all ocean depths. General Manager, Offshore Oil & Gas, Mark Musarra, said that the design of SEM needed to consider many factors and […]

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Cape Cod Confidential – Part 1

Cape Cod Confidential – Part 1 Many members of the ocean engineering community are aware that the Cape Cod area in Massachusetts, USA is a worldwide centre for ocean science and ocean engineering with companies and organisations clustered around the world renowned Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI). BlueZone CTO, Darren Burrowes, was recently able to […]

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Finalist in 2014 Hunter Manufacturing Awards

Finalist in 2014 Hunter Manufacturing Awards UVS has been announced as a finalist in the 2014 Hunter Manufacturing Awards with winners to be announced at the Awards Event on Friday, 17th October 2014. UVS has entered in the category for “Excellence in Technology”. Nominations were open in this category for a manufacturing company that has […]

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Kongsberg Cameras for TMT ROVs

Kongsberg Cameras for TMT ROVs UVS has supplied Kongsberg cameras to Total Marine Technologies (TMT) for their Typhoon MK2 ROVs now on their way to Brazil as part of a five year contract with the giant Brazilian energy company, Petrobras. Two Total Marine Technology ROVs have recently passed deepwater acceptance tests to 3000m in the […]

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Oceanographic Future Possibilities

Oceanographic Future Possibilities – By Mark Musarra, UVS General Manager Offshore Oil & Gas Retrieving ocean data is typically hampered by the obvious remoteness of most points of the ocean. In Australia there is an additional challenge because even with the proximity of land, remoteness is not diminished in areas like the North West Shelf […]

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EdgeTech 3100 Portable Sub-bottom Profiler for Rental

EdgeTech 3100 Portable Sub-bottom Profiler for Rental Responding to numerous requests from our customers, UVS has now arranged to position an EdgeTech 3100 Portable Sub-bottom Profiler in our Newcastle office. The 3100 is EdgeTech’s portable version of their highly successful sub-bottom profiler product line. The system utilizes EdgeTech’s Full Spectrum CHIRP technology which provides high […]

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Teledyne Odom MB1 MBES Integration into Wave Glider SV3

Teledyne Odom MB1 MBES Integration into Wave Glider SV3 Teledyne Odom and Liquid Robotics International have demonstrated an Autonomous Survey using a Teledyne MB1 shallow-water multi-beam echo sounder integrated into an SV3 Wave Glider. The demonstration also included near real-time processing using CARIS. Advantages of the autonomous survey include: • Increased Safety (no surveyors in […]

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Teledyne RDI Announces Two New Technologies for our Water Resources Pros!

Teledyne RDI Announces Two New Technologies for our Water Resources Pros! Introducing the RiverPro ADCP The new 1200 kHz RiverPro intelligent river discharge measurement system represents Teledyne RDI’s latest ADCP hardware advancement for water resources applications. The new RiverPro ADCP utilises: 20° beam, allowing users to accurately measure closely to the riverbed, 600 kHz 5th […]

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Unmanned Systems Australia Announces a Joint Venture with UVS to Market Maritime Unmanned Systems

Unmanned Systems Australia Announces a Joint Venture with UVS to Market Maritime Unmanned Systems Brisbane Australia, 27 August 2014 – Unmanned Systems Australia announces that it has agreed with UVS to jointly market Maritime Unmanned Systems. Unmanned Systems Australia Pty Ltd is a UAS consulting and training services company that assist companies understand and enter […]

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REMUS SharkCam

REMUS SharkCam REMUS SharkCam is a specially outfitted REMUS-100 autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) equipped with video cameras and navigational and scientific instrumentation that enable it to locate, track, and film up close a tagged marine animal, such as a North Atlantic white shark (great white). The vehicle is pre-programmed to home in on a signal […]

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