
Robotics and Autonomous Systems Announced as a new Sovereign Industrial Capability Priority

Significant announcement that backs local development of a key future Defence technology BlueZone Group strongly supports the announcement by The Hon Melissa Price MP, Minister for Defence Industry, of a new Sovereign Industrial Capability Priority for Robotics, Autonomous Systems and Artificial Intelligence (RAS-AI). Providing sustainment to the ADF for robotics systems for more than twenty […]

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Start with the End in Mind

The final stages of Mine Counter Measures (MCM) are the hardest steps and need a strong focus for any Navy to claim a credible MCM capability There is no doubt that the rapid development of UUV technology shows great promise for revolutionising the first two stages of MCM: search and classification of seabed objects. For […]

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SSN Capability Enhanced by UUV Launch and Recovery

Dry Deck Shelter and Tube Launch & Recovery Feature in SSN designs Nuclear submarines (SSNs) are most stealthy and least detectable when operating highly independently and without significant off-hull communication. As UUVs start supplementing the SSN force, increased UUV independence will be pivotal. Improved UUV ability for online decision making in complex environments will drastically […]

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REMUS Double at Depot Level Maintenance Facility

REMUS 100S and 100M Share the Workshop Floor at BlueZone’s Newcastle Facility   The growing fleet of REMUS Unmanned Underwater Vehicles (UUVs) in Australia was demonstrated when REMUS 100M and REMUS 100S vehicles were both at BlueZone’s Newcastle UUV Support Facility in Newcastle. REMUS vehicles can operate a wide selection of sensors depending on customer […]

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Offshore Wind Farms Choose Cougar

Saab Seaeye Cougar XT compact robotic vehicle for challenging environmental conditions Especially suited for the offshore wind energy market, the Saab Seaeye Cougar XT Compact robotic vehicle has been chosen for Taiwan’s huge offshore wind farm developments. Created for challenging environmental conditions inherent in shallow water operations the Seaeye low-profile 300m rated Cougar XT Compact is […]

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SUEX Calypso App

Stay Connected with your Suex Diving Equipment The last version of the Calypso App is the result of significant development by Suex to perfect the application for diver support. The App offers a real support for the Suex device data collection and registration. This is a real “must have” for proper battery maintenance: Stay connected […]

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U.S. Navy orders REMUS 300 UUVs from Huntington Ingalls

Open architecture and modularity lead the way forward for unmanned systems   Huntington Ingalls Industries has announced a U.S. Navy order of two REMUS 300 unmanned underwater vehicles (UUVs). “REMUS UUVs have been used by the U.S. Navy for their defence operations for more than 20 years,” said Duane Fotheringham, president of the Unmanned Systems […]

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Teledyne Optech launches next generation bathymetric lidar solution

Teledyne Optech launches next generation bathymetric lidar solution Full geospatial bathymetric lidar solution with industry-leading depth penetration Teledyne Optech has announced the launch of the CZMIL SuperNova, a full geospatial bathymetric lidar solution with industry-leading depth penetration. The CZMIL SuperNova is powered by Teledyne CARIS processing software for creation of seamless topo/bathy data products The […]

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