Wave Glider Support in Australia

Wave Glider Support in Australia

Wave Glider Support in Australia

Darren Burrowes, CTO at BlueZone, presented at the  Liquid Robotics Channel Partner Summit in Koh Samui, Thailand in April on “Wave Glider Support in Australia”, sharing information about how UVS has established a complete support capability for the eight Wave Glider vehicles operated by the Royal Australian Navy.

Darren said that UVS had worked with Navy to develop a maintenance program and had established dedicated facilities on the east and west coast to provide high quality Wave Glider service, repair and overhaul to ensure that Wave Glider availability requirements were met. After introduction to service in 2011, the first overhauls of SV2 Wave Gliders have been completed with the vehicles returned to “as new” condition.

In providing a complete support capability for Navy, BlueZone has also developed a number of Wave Glider products that support Navy operational requirements. These products include:

WG01 Wave Glider Recovery Device

  • Safe and rapid recovery of Wave Glider in difficult sea conditions

WG02 Wave Gilder Transport Case

  • Storage and transport of the Wave Glider in a “ready to launch” condition

WG04 Rapid Access Drybox

  • Flexibility and easy access for Wave Glider prototyping

For more information on any of these products please Contact BlueZone  or see our Products Catalogue

Wave Glider ScreenShot
Wave Glider products developed by BlueZone are based on Navy operational experience and support safe and effective Wave Glider operations
Darren Burrowes, CTO at UVS, presents to delegates from the Asia Pacific at the Liquid Robotics Channel Partner Summit in Koh Samui, Thailand

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