ClearSignal® Treatment for SeaBat® T50-P Multibeam Sonar

ClearSignal® Treatment for SeaBat® T50-P Multibeam Sonar

ClearSignal® Treatment for SeaBat® T50-P Multibeam Sonar

BlueZone Group has completed the first ClearSignal® treatment of a Teledyne Reson SeaBat® T50-P Multibeam Sonar.

The SeaBat® T50-P is the new addition to the leading SeaBat® T-series product range engineered from the ground up. Combined with the Portable Sonar Processor the SeaBat® T50-P provides unprecedented survey data, providing faster operational surveys and reduced processing time. Many T50-P customers are now recognising the benefits of ClearSignal® coating and are pleased to include the coating on new instruments delivered in Australia.

BlueZone has worked closely with Severn Marine Technologies, developers of ClearSignal® and its corporate partner Mid-Mountain Materials to establish an Australia-based ClearSignal® coating capability. Hank Lobe, Severn Marine CEO, said that Severn Marine was extremely happy to see the benefits of ClearSignal® coating being offered to customers in Australia with in-country application and support. “BlueZone’s technical expertise and attention to customer requirements make them an ideal partner for us,” said Hank, “and their experience and capability show in the first application of ClearSignal® to the SeaBat® T50-P.” BlueZone and Severn Marine intend to continue to work together to offer ClearSignal® coating for new and in-service instruments to customers Australia-wide.


ClearSignal® Treatment for SeaBat® T50-P Multibeam Sonar
Teledyne Reson SeaBat® T50 P Multibeam Sonar transducer components in preparation for final ClearSignal® coating


ClearSignal® Treatment for SeaBat® T50-P Multibeam Sonar
The <a href=httpsbluezonegroupcomauproduct catalogueoceanographic equipmentsonarsteledyne resonteledyne reson p>SeaBat® T50 P<a> provides unprecedented clean data resulting in less data processing time and an ultra high resolution 05°1° beam footprint



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