Z-Boat with MB2 and SeaBotix Little Benthic Crawler for Demonstration in Australia/NZ

Z-Boat with MB2 and SeaBotix Little Benthic Crawler for Demonstration in Australia/NZ

Z-Boat with MB2 and SeaBotix Little Benthic Crawler for Demonstration in Australia/NZ

UVS is pleased to announce the demonstration of two innovative Teledyne Marine products in Australia and New Zealand in October:

  • The  Teledyne  OceanScience  Z-Boat with  MB2  Multibeam  Echosounder is  an  entirely  new  option  for  high-resolution  shallow-water hydrographic surveying. Get multibeam bathymetry data where conventional methods are not feasible or safe, and avoid mobilising a work boat or vessel of opportunity. IP67-sealed  with  a  modular  deck  structure  for  antennas,  cameras, and additional sensor mounting, the Z-Boat is ideal for shallow coastal mapping.
  • The SeaBotix Little Benthic Crawler (LBC) is a revolutionary hull inspection system providing unprecedented stability and control in extreme conditions. The LBC is a hybrid ROV/Crawler system with patented Vortex VRAM attractor. The unique system adheres to ship hull for ultra stable sensor platform and operation in extreme conditions. A four wheel drive system powers over hull rather than propeller driven systems for reliable hull search operations.

Applications for the Z-Boat technology could include conduct of inshore hydrographic survey prior to the conduct of MCM operations; gathering bathymetric data to support planning of diving and Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV) operations and checking planned operational areas for underwater obstacles or hazards prior to AUV deployment.

The Little Benthic Crawler (LBC) ROV is ideal for hull searches on large, flat-bottomed merchant and naval warships. The LBC can provide rapid search of large areas of ship hull and complement diver searches in areas that require close inspection such as sea chests, propellers and rudders.

The current demonstration program is:

  • 17 to 21 October – Sydney
  • 24 to 28 October – Auckland
  • 31 October to 11 November – Perth

Please contact UVS https://bluezonegroup.com.au/contact-us to register interest in this exciting demonstration opportunity.


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