Wireless for Subsea in Australia

Wireless for Subsea in Australia

Wireless for Subsea in Australia

Wireless for Subsea in Australia

Wireless for Subsea in Australia

Wireless for Subsea (WFS) Technologies is a global leader in the delivery of underwater wireless instrumentation and control solutions and recently supported a successful intervention task in Australia with iTech7 on a Woodside project. The challenge was to provide visibility of an intervention tool touring the removal of an internal plug and provide visibility of the tool during during actuation.

The WFS second generation subsea wireless video camera, Viewtooth®, was used to provide visibility during the intervention. Viewtooth®, offers extended communication range tighter with full ocean depth deployment capability: You can read more about the case study in the attached document below.

iTech Case Study iTech Case Study (474 KB)

UVS distributes WFS products in Australia and will be pleased to arrange for meetings with WFS representatives during the Australian Oil & Gas Exhibition in Perth 19 to 21 February 2014. Please Contact UVS for further information on WFS products, rental availability and to arrange a meeting for AOG 2014.


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