UVS Innovation Awards Announced

UVS Innovation Awards Announced

UVS Innovation Awards Announced

UVS today announced the launch of the UVS Innovation Awards as one part of the celebration of the UVS 40th Anniversary.

UVS Chief Technology Officer, Darren Burrowes, said that the awards had been launched to recognise the UVS track record of innovation. “UVS has pioneered a number of innovative products to the Australian market”, said Darren. “This includes the deployment of the first ROVs in the Bass Strait in the 1970s, the introduction of ADCP technology in the 1980s and now the game-changing Wave Glider technology for measuring, monitoring and patrolling the ocean in new ways”.

UVS wants to encourage the continued application of new technology and innovative approaches for ocean science and engineering in Australasia, said Darren. The UVS Innovation Awards are open to ocean science, engineering and research students from Australia and New Zealand who can select from equipment available in the UVS Rental Pool. Further details can be found on the UVS website early submissions of applications are encouraged for review by the UVS Research and Innovation Committee.

Applications  for the first awards close on 19 July 2013 and the awards will be announced at ADCPs in Action (Water Resources) on the Gold Coast in August.

UVS Innovation Awards Announced

Join us on the beautiful Gold Coast to present your paper at ADCPs in Action!


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