SUT October Evening Technical Meeting
Underwater Autonomous Technologies and their Application within Defence Industry
BlueZone Group Project Manager Mitchell Hinchcliffe presented at the Society of Underwater Technology (SUT) in Perth, WA on the 12th of October. The Evening Technical Meeting was focused on Underwater Autonomous Technologies and their Applications within the Defence Industry. Mitchell’s topic was “Anti-Submarine Warfare operations utilising Wave Gliders for detection, classification, and localisation”.
The system will comprise a Wave Glider equipped with a KraitArray™ thin line towed array sonar for the detection of acoustic data. The onboard processing of the data will result in tracking information that can be communicated to the overall SAW situation awareness. It is essential to modify and adapt the systems to work seamlessly with sovereign warfighters. The innovative integration of Sonartech Atlas sonar processors and Acacia Systems automated tracker technology, with leading-edge ASW sensors and unmanned platforms. This system will fully provide autonomous persistent surveillance capability that will complement the ADF’s existing and planned ASW force structure.
BlueZone has been awarded a Defence Innovation Hub contract to develop Anti-submarine Warfare (ASW) capability using Australian-developed sonar and track processing systems installed in unmanned surface vehicles such as the Wave Glider. This project will deliver automation and autonomy to the ADF ASW to another level that has never been attempted anywhere in the world. BlueZone completed the final trials in September 2022 and is pleased to provide a project update to those following the project’s process.
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Perth – October Evening Technical Meeting
Defence Innovation Hub Award – Theatre Award using Wave Gliders
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