SUEX & Blueprint Subsea’s Military Diving Capabilities
BlueZone supports Military Diving operations for Australia and New Zealand.
SUEX and Blueprint Subsea’s partnership with BlueZone offers customers in Australia and New Zealand Military Diving capabilities. BlueZone provides through life sustainment of advanced technology for propulsion and underwater navigation for dive teams.
As emerging and future maritime technology and capabilities continue to evolve, it is important for defence forces to modernise and re-invest in current military diving capabilities. Traditional military diving capabilities include Search and Recovery (SAR), Explosive Ordinance Disposal (EOD), Hydrospatial Survey and Combat Diving. These traditional methods involve the diving subsurface for long distances, or in strong ocean currents and tidal waters, which is physically arduous and require the divers to consume a large quantity of breathing gas.
BlueZone works closely with world leading manufacturing experts from SUEX and Blueprint to deliver the latest military diving equipment to Australia and New Zealand. SUEX and Blueprint are experienced design and production partners having developed high quality products ranging from the SUEX NERO Blueprint ELITE DPV to Diver Handheld Navigation/Sonar and SUEX advanced thrusters.
SUEX Advanced Diving Propulsion Vehicles (DPVs) represent the cutting-edge technology of underwater mobility. Performance, reliability, manoeuvrability, complete product range and the excellent after-market service are the cornerstones that make SUEX and Blueprint undisputed leaders in the underwater diver propulsion market. World-renowned for quality and portability, SUEX offers the single-hull Artemis SX and dual-hull Artemis ELITE diver propulsion vehicles integrated with navigation solutions from Blueprint Subsea. For long underwater transits, a DPV with navigation capability will enhance the probability of mission success and reduce the impact of fatigue on a military diver.
Blueprint’s Artemis range consists of four diver navigation systems including the ArtemisPRO, ArtemisHHS, ArtemisNAV and the ArtemisLITE. The Artemis Diver Navigation range is tried, tested, and trusted by Special Forces and Emergency Servies worldwide. The Artemis range of Handheld Diver Navigation Systems offers covert navigation, sonar imaging and acoustic communication capabilities in an extremely compact form factor.
BlueZone is an experienced and capable supplier to Defence and will lead proposals in Australia including fully developed concepts for support and sustainment of delivered equipment through established east and west coast underwater technology workshops and maintenance facilities.
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SUEX Diver Propulsion Vehicles
BlueZone partners for Medium Range Diver Propulsion Vehicle