Liquid Robotics Wave Glider Utilizing Teledyne RDI ADCPs for Current Data

Liquid Robotics Wave Glider Utilizing Teledyne RDI ADCPs for Current Data

Liquid Robotics Wave Glider Utilizing Teledyne RDI ADCPs for Current Data

Liquid Robotics Wave Glider is a reliable and economical ocean Liquid Robotics Wave Glidergoing system that provides the flexibility and capability to complete missions efficiently and with minimal environmental impact. The Wave Glider has been designed to continuously harvest energy from the environment to travel long distances, hold station, and monitor vast areas without ever needing to refuel. A unique two-part architecture and wing system directly converts wave motion into thrust, and solar panels provide electricity for sensor payloads.

The Wave Glider is a configurable platform designed to support a wide variety of sensor payloads, including Teledyne RDI’s ADCPs. To date, Liquid Robotics has installed 14 ADCPs onboard Wave Gliders to provide users with near-real time data on surface currents and current profiles. Units have been deployed off the coast of California, the Gulf of Mexico and the Mediterranean in support of oceanographic and meteorological investigations.

ADCPs in Autonomous Action

ADCPs in Autonomous Action

ADCPs in Autonomous Action Combining the flexibility and power of Acoustic Doppler Profiler (ADCP) technology with the autonomous deployment capability of the Wave Glider platform results in a powerful new

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Wave Glider ScreenShot

Wave Glider Support in Australia

Wave Glider Support in Australia Darren Burrowes, CTO at BlueZone, presented at the  Liquid Robotics Channel Partner Summit in Koh Samui, Thailand in April on “Wave Glider Support in Australia”,

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