Iconic Falcon Adds iCON Intelligent Control
Iconic Falcon Adds iCON Intelligent Control
The winning formula of the iconic Saab Seaeye Falcon ‐ the most successful underwater electric robotic vehicle of its class in the world ‐ has received a considerable boost.
Saab Seaeye has enhanced the Falcon’s already smart intelligent control system with their advanced iCON behaviour-based intelligent control architecture.
It means the Falcon can now host many new features, making it an advanced platform for further automation and behaviour-based software development.
Station‐keeping and fine position adjustment is an important new attribute that reduces the operator’s workload by allowing them to concentrate on the task at hand. Fitting a Doppler Velocity Log (DVL) and interface node has made this possible.
It is also now possible to add higher accuracy sensors for heading, depth and altitude.
The iCON enhancement is available on all new Falcons, or as an upgrade to existing vehicles. It comes as a new design surface control consul that incorporates the iCON software – already a feature of Saab Seaeye’s successful Leopard work system.
iCON’s building block simplicity is key to the company’s ongoing success as it allows harmonious migration of technology throughout Saab Seaeye’s range and is currently accelerating new systems development.
Proven since introduced in 2002, the Falcon’s pioneering distributed intelligence provides each device on the vehicle with its own microprocessor, thereby allowing tools and sensors to be easily added or changed, and custom options to be integrated – making it an ideal platform for numerous intricate and demanding applications.
Now the building block characteristic of iCON offers a ready platform for future enhancements to the Falcon range, which, coming in 300 and 1000 metre depth ratings and can undertake a vast range of widely varying tasks across all key market sectors.