ClearSignal Coating Continues

ClearSignal Coating Continues

ClearSignal Coating Continues

ClearSignal coating continues to be in high demand with ADCP instruments recently coated for a major customer. ClearSignal coating products can be applied to your instruments and underwater components at UVS workshops in Australia.
ClearSignal® utilises advanced coating technologies to enable biofouling resistance performance. The ClearSignal Biofouling Control System is selected by many users because of its proven performance to control biofouling and reduce maintenance costs. ClearSignal coating will allow for uninterrupted collection of acoustic data using instruments like ADCPs.

ClearSignal is a leader in integrated biofouling solutions and understands the importance of streamlining oceanographic instrumentation packages. ClearSignal biofouling control solution is a product whose development has resulted from expertise in the design, manufacture and application of materials designed for use in the most extreme and harshest of environments.

 ClearSignal Coating Continues
 ClearSignal coating is ideal for instruments such as ADCPs which require long term bio-fouling protection with no degradation to the instrument performance.

Pac X Recovery

Pac X Recovery

Pac X Recovery  CHALLENGING CONDITIONS FOR PAPA MAU RECOVERY On 20 November 2012 UVS supported Liquid Robotics  in the recovery of the “Papa Mau” Wave Glider after completion of

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