ADCP Data in Real Time

ADCP Data in Real Time

ADCP Data in Real Time

The Liquid Robotics SV3 Wave Glider supports easy adaption of existing Teledyne RDI Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) sensors into the Wave Glider platform so that receipt of real time ADCP data from ocean deployments is simple to achieve.

The Wave Glider is a “smart platform” that incorporates built-in processing power and communication links through the IRIDIUM network for worldwide control and data links. The ADCP control commands are integrated into the Wave Glider Management System so that on-the-fly modification of ADCP settings is easy to implement. Data can be recovered from the ADCP via IRDIUM under complete user control so that only data of interest is transmitted as required. The complete ADCP data set remains logged on the Wave Glider platform.

The other major advantage of the Wave Glider deployment is that the Wave Glider can be commanded to locations of interest depending on the results of data received or other user requirements. Mooring deployment of ADCPs has been the accepted practice, but this method has the clear limitation that the data can only be collected from a point location. The manoeuvrable Wave Glider provides a way for ADCP data to be obtained from a range of locations by controlling the Wave Glider to move to waypoints as required.

In more advanced applications some customers have used the control provided by the Wave Glider Management System to effectively implement a “multi-mode” ADCP deployment. For example, ADCP settings for shallow profiling, deep profiling and bathymetry can be selected and then cycled through as required in a deployment. The flexibility and options available with ADCP deployment on a “smart” Wave Glider platform open up many new methods for obtaining ocean data without the need to send ships to sea or deploy ocean moorings.

See more on Wave Glider and ADCP integration here: AIAIA Presentations

Wave Glider
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