ZB01 Custom Charger Case

ZB01 Custom Charger Case

The ZB01 Custom Charger Case provides a fast and effective way to charge multiple Z-Boat batteries from one easy to manage Pelican Case.

Many users find transporting, connecting and operating individual chargers for Z-Boat 24V nickel-metal hydride (NiMH) batteries inconvenient and prone to mistakes due to the multiple connections that must be made. The ZB01 includes eight charging circuits enabling simultaneous charge of up to eight batteries with only a single connection to AC-mains required via a standard IEC 240VAC plug. The charging circuits include smart technology for intelligent battery charging monitoring unsafe charging conditions.

A key feature of the ZB01 Custom Charger Case is an auxiliary 24V output that simplifies operating the Z-Boat in the workshop by providing continuous 24V power to the Z-Boat and payload sensors. Many payload sensors can be power hungry, and extensive setup and fault-finding work can drain batteries quickly.





Key Features

Up to 25-hour mission duration

Speeds up to 4.2 knots

Increased module payload capacity

Search and recovery


Deep sea mineral exploration

Marine & Fisheries research

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