OPT’s Major Delivery of WAM-V ASVs to Sulmara

Enhancing Offshore Capabilities with Sustainable, High-Performance Autonomous Vessels

Ocean Power Technologies (OPT) recently announced a major contractual milestone and delivery of the first set of new Wave Adaptive Modular Vessel (WAM-V) Autonomous Surface Vehicles (ASVs) to Sulmara. These ASVs represent the first of many sustainable autonomous vehicles used for high-quality offshore operations. The delivery of the WAM-V’s to Sulmara supports a variety of subsea applications including environmental monitoring, remote inspections and UXO detection.


OPT is the leader in innovative and cost-effective low-carbon marine power, data and service solutions. The WAM-V is an ultra-light modular vessel with a flexible structure that adapts and conforms to the water’s surface. The WAM-V’s inflatable hulls aid to absorb motion and force, improving the vessels stability and controllability.


The WAM-V ASVs can be used as force multipliers to existing crewed assets or as the sole provider of multibeam echo sounder (MBES) sonar data. The WAM-V ASVs can also be fitted with various sensor solutions such as Klein Marine Systems Side Scan Sonars. OPT’s focus on reducing the environmental impacts is illustrated through their expertise in harnessing the power of ocean waves to generate clean and sustainable energy.


BlueZone proudly represents OPT in Australia and continues to enhance the presence of innovative and sustainable technologies within the Australian market. OPT’s recent announcement of reaching this first milestone is a testament to OPT’s WAM-V and the capability these vehicles offer the Australian maritime sectors. At BlueZone, we continue to support innovative companies and are committed to fostering their technological advancements for a more sustainable maritime future and to stay ahead of the tide.


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Ocean Power Technologies Completes Delivery of First Set of New WAM-Vs to Sulmara

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WAM-V ASV Product Range

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Wave Adaptive Modular Vessel WAM V Autonomous Surface Vessel ASV equipped with a suite of sensors to meet any mission requirements Photo Credit OPT