DL25 Deployed on South Coast

DL25 Deployed on South Coast

DL25 Deployed on South Coast

The DL25 Extended Memory and Control (EMAC) for Teledyne RDI ADCPs has been deployed for a wave and current monitoring application on the NSW south coast.

UVS engineer, Josh Berry, travelled to the south coast to support the installation and setup of the DL25 with a telemetry buoy and a Teledyne RDI WorkHorse ADCP with NEMO Waves Processing Module. Used in conjunction with a Teledyne RDI ADCP, the NEMO Waves Processing Module processes ADCP/Waves data at the source, removing the typical constraints for transmitting this data to the surface. NEMO provides real-time data for real-time decision making.

Josh said that the DL25 enabled NEMO data to be saved and pushed to an FTP server. “The customer needed to ensure that the data gathered included some large wave events typical of the south coast”, said Josh, “By including the DL25 capability in the monitoring system there will be confidence that the data set will be suitable to support further analysis before the system is recovered”.

There are a range of cables available to
support flexible configuration options that allow the DL25 to suit a
range of deployment scenarios.
DL25 on-the-fly data processing enables
visualisation of data from your ADCP in real-time to ensure that data
gathered is suitable for the intended application.

The BlueZone UVS Perth office has conducted a successful demonstration of a Z-Boat survey completed using a Konsgberg M3 Multibeam sonar for test trial in Hillarys Boat Harbour.

Z-Boat Demonstration in Perth

Z-Boat Demonstration in Perth The BlueZone Group’s, Perth office has conducted a successful demonstration of a Z-Boat survey completed using a Kongsberg M3 Multibeam sonar for test trial in Hillarys

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