Oceanographic / Hydrographic

BlueZone has been a long-term supplier to the oceanographic and hydrographic communities and we stand behind every product that we sell.

Now, more than ever, the importance of Ocean Science is recognised in its contribution to the understanding of the impact of climate change on our planet due to human activity. Much of the carbon dioxide that enters the atmosphere dissolves into the ocean. In fact, the oceans have absorbed about 1/3 of the carbon dioxide produced from human activities since 1800 and about 1/2 of the carbon dioxide produced by burning fossil fuels.

From equipment for water sampling to sophisticated ADCP buoys for long term deployment, BlueZone offers all types of products for Ocean Science.

Showing 64–72 of 75 results

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OG03 Instrument Cradle

The OG03 Instrument Cradle provides a reliable way to deploy seafloor instruments. When teamed with a standard Fiobuoy, the complete system supports deployment and recovery of seafloor instruments without marking...

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DeepWater Buoyancy

DeepWater Buoyancy is the world leader in the design and manufacture of deployment products for use with ADCP's.

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ULB-362C Series Underwater Locator Beacon

The ULB-362C is a compact, cost-effective, full ocean depth underwater locator beacon designed for applications where size is critical.

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RJE International

BlueZone supplies RJE International acoustic receivers and interrogators.

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Teledyne Benthos

BlueZone has worked with many customers to specify and supply Teledyne Benthos components for projects Australia-wide. Teledyne Benthos acoustic modems, acoustic releases and pop-up buoys have been supplied for projects...

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EdgeTech Navigation and Positioning

BlueZone supplies EdgeTech products for USBL Navigation and Positioning. All types of systems for underwater broadband tracking and positioning, software and products can be offered. Edgetech specialises in accurate USBL...

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Emergency Relocation Transponder for Diving Bells

Commercial diving companies operating in an area that requires their diving bell to meet offshore standard DNV-OS-E402, must have an emergency locating system that meets section 305 of that standard.

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Xeos Brizo Wave Monitoring

The Brizo is a highly accurate (1 cm, 3°) directional wave height sensor for placement on moored buoys

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Electromechanical Chain

EOM Offshore’s electromechanical (EM) chain visually resembles the stretch hose, and it too can deliver fixed, real-time measurements and power.

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