
REMUS 600 UUV Deployment a Consideration for SEA1000

REMUS 600 UUV Deployment a Consideration for SEA1000 The USS North Dakota deployed and retrieved a REMUS 600 Unmanned Underwater Vehicle (UUV) from its dry deck shelter during a six-week mission before the new submarine completed its post shakedown availability. Only three other submarines, all in the Virginia class, have deployed and retrieved underwater vehicles. […]

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New Firmware Version Released for Sentinel V ADCPs

New Firmware Version Released for Sentinel V ADCPs Teledyne RD Instruments has issued Field Service Bulletin 224 dated 20 July 2015. A new firmware version has been released for Sentinel V ADCPs. Updates include: • Improved stability and power efficiency; • Addition of independent ensemble averaging times for the ping 1 and ping 2 scenarios; […]

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Mapping and Measuring with Multibeam

Mapping and Measuring with Multibeam Many of our customers ask how Multi Beam Echo Sounder (MBES) backscatter can be used to characterise seabed types for habitat and baseline environmental studies. MBES backscatter is becoming recognised more and more as a valuable tool. Backscatter can be defined as the amount of acoustic energy received by the […]

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Ocean Data Systems

Ocean Data Systems Continuing to build on a partnership that has been in place for many years, UVS CTO, Darren Burrowes, visited Colin Russell of Ocean Data Systems at his facility in Auckland, New Zealand. Ocean Data Systems Ltd is a New Zealand based supplier of Oceanographic and Hydrographic Equipment, with more than 25 years […]

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Z-Boat on Bibra Lake

Z-Boat on Bibra Lake The UVS office in Perth took advantage of their location near to Lake Coogee, south of Perth for a demonstration of the Teledyne OceanScience Z-Boat for a number of interested customers. The demonstrator boat operated by UVS is proving to be a real hit, enabling potential users to see the power […]

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BlueZone Group Supports BioPower Systems

BlueZone Supports BioPower Systems BlueZone has provided equipment and services to BioPower Systems (BPS), a renewable energy technology company based in Sydney, Australia. BPS is developing systems for both wave and tidal power conversion. For the Port Fairy Pilot Wave Energy Project, BlueZone has supplied both high voltage and low voltage cables and subsea connectors […]

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UVS Features in Business in Focus

UVS Features in Business in Focus UVS has been featured in Business in Focus magazine, a monthly publication featuring unique articles about prominent companies and associations in Australian markets. The feature highlights the work that UVS completed on the Clever Buoy project for Optus and other activities in support of our clients operating in harsh […]

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Lost Liberator Search to Resume

Lost Liberator Search to Resume UVS customer Dion Marinis, the vice-president of the Broome Historical Society, has been happy to report that financial assistance under the Royalties for Regions program has been approved for the acquisition of equipment including a Tritech StarFish 452F Side-Scan Sonar. The sonar will be used to resume the search for […]

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Testing Time for Perth Service Team

Testing Time for Perth Service Team The UVS Perth Service Team has been kept busy in June completing critical testing for Woodside Energy Ltd on Electrical Fly Lead equipment sets. Collaborating with Teledyne ODI, UVS has completed the testing to meet Woodside and Teledyne ODI standards using the facilities located in the Perth workshop at […]

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The Right Sonar for the Job

The Right Sonar for the Job At the 3rd ADCPs in Action in Australia conference and exhibition on the Gold Coast in May many delegates took the opportunity to witness at first hand the capabilities on the Teledyne Odom MB1 and the Teledyne Reson T20-P when demonstrated side-by-side. UVS General Manager Oceanographic & Hydrographic, Mark […]

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