Z-Boat Unmanned Vehicles as a Force Multiplier

Z-Boat Unmanned Vehicles as a Force Multiplier

Z-Boat Unmanned Vehicles as a Force Multiplier

The Teledyne Oceanscience Z-Boat is a low-cost but powerful force multiplier, providing the capability of a small boat manned by one or two people in a much smaller platform and with endurance only limited by battery power.

Integration of a Multi Beam Echo Sounder such as the Teledyne Odom MB2 means that high resolution bathymetric data can be obtained quickly and efficiently using one Unmanned Surface Vehicle (USV). With two or more vehicles in action, coverage rates can clearly be doubled or tripled.  When time is money (for commercial operations) or time is advantage (for military operations) the use of low-cost USV must be considered by smart operators.

Differential GPS provides the key to accurate positioning of Z-Boats. Additionally, BlueZone offers Fugro Marinestar Differential Global Navigation Satellite System which provides a highly reliable DGNSS correction signal for both the US Global Positioning System (GPS) and the Russian Global Navigation Satellite System (GLONASS) for navigation and positioning worldwide.

Read More: Fugro Marinestar Differential Global Navigation Satellite System

Read More: Teledyne OceanScience Z-Boat

Z-Boat Unmanned Vehicles as a Force Multiplier
 Teledyne Oceanscience Z-Boats – low-cost and powerful force multiplier for Rapid Environmental Assessment.
 Z-Boat Unmanned Vehicles as a Force Multiplier
  MB2ZBoatb: Z-Boat with Teledyne Odom MB2 integrated.

Clever Buoy Goes West

Clever Buoy Goes West

Clever Buoy Goes West BlueZone Group has supported Shark Mitigation Service in deployment of two “Clever Buoy” systems in Western Australia. Clever Buoy is an innovative device for detection of

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