Wave Glider Autonomous Surface Vehicles and the Pacific Crossing

Wave Glider Autonomous Surface Vehicles and the Pacific Crossing

Wave Glider Autonomous Surface Vehicles and the Pacific Crossing

Wave Glider Autonomous Surface Vehicles and the Pacific Crossing

On Thursday 8 August 2013 UVS Chief Technology Officer,  Darren Burrowes,  was invited to present to the IEEE NSW Section – Joint Chapter on Communications, Signal Processing and Ocean Engineering on Wave Glider Autonomous Surface Vehicles and the Pacific Crossing.

On 20 November 2012 UVS supported Liquid Robotics in the recovery of the “Papa Mau” Wave Glider when it became the first robot to cross the Pacific completing the journey in just 3 days over one year. On 14 February 2013 UVS supported recovery of the second Wave Glider “Benjamin” that completed a 9,380 nautical mile journey and achieved a Guinness World Record for the  longest journey of an unmanned autonomous surface vehicle.

Darren’s  presentation provided an introduction to Wave Glider technology, lessons learned from the PacX crossing and information on upcoming Wave Glider developments. The presentation was very well received with many interested questions from the assembled audience of experienced science and ocean engineering professionals.

During his presentation Darren compared Wave Glider technology to the impact of helicopters to the aerospace industry. “Wave Gliders have unique characteristics for marine technology and new applications will be found just as the helicopter was developed for many new roles from that were previously not possible with other aircraft”, said Darren.  The new opportunities enabled by the persistent and pervasive presence of Wave Gilders was the source of many ideas for new applications in the networking that followed the presentation.

Wave Glider Autonomous Surface Vehicles and the Pacific Crossing

UVS Chief Technology Officer, Darren Burrowes, presents to the IEEE NSW Section – Joint Chapter on Communications, Signal Processing and Ocean Engineering


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