WA Glider Fleet at Work

WA Glider Fleet at Work

WA Glider Fleet at Work

The University of Western Australia operates a large Teledyne Webb “Slocum” Glider fleet from the Indian Ocean Marine Research Centre. Fifteen gliders are operated with by the Australian National Facility for Ocean Gliders (ANFOG). ANFOG is a facility of the Australian Integrated Marine Observing System (IMOS) and is responsible for the operation and maintenance of the ocean glider fleet.

BlueZone Group provides a wide range of products and services to science customers like the Indian Ocean Marine Research Centre including Teledyne RDI ADCPs. Coating for marine instruments to prevent bio-fouling is an important consideration for many science research applications. BlueZone provides ClearSignal® coating in Australia which guarantees lifetime bio-fouling prevention for marine instruments like ADCPs and buoyancy gliders.

Contact BlueZone to find out more about ClearSignal® coating.

 WA Glider Fleet at Work
The latest data from glider operations are publicly available from the ANFOG website at http://anfog.ecm.uwa.edu.au/
 WA Glider Fleet at Work
 BlueZone CTO, Darren Burrowes, with “Chari” Pattiaratchi and a Teledyne Webb Slocum Glider at the Indian Ocean Marine Research Centre.

Riverboat Communication Project

Riverboat Communication Project

Riverboat Communication Project UVS was pleased to assist the Department of Natural Resources of the Northern Territory Government in the design and manufacture of a communication system for a novel

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