Subsea Supercharger Brings Electric Power to the Seafloor

Subsea Supercharger Brings Electric Power to the Seafloor

Subsea Supercharger Brings Electric Power to the Seafloor

An energy revolution coming to the seabed

The Subsea Supercharger developed by Teledyne Energy Systems enables persistent AUV/ROV operations without needing a crew nearby to retrieve or redeploy the underwater vehicles, or a tether to supply power from above the water. In addition to the AUV/ROV operations, the Subsea Power System can be used to power subsea instruments that require a longer duration and power than batteries alone can provide. The system is fully recoverable and rechargeable.

The heart of the Subsea Supercharger is a fuel cell stack, a commercial product with over 10,000 hours of testing. The system can be customised to various power needs via additional fuel cell stacks and/or a hybridising battery and the power output can be changed as required. System life is guaranteed for 50,000 amp-hours with a fuel cell stack life expectancy of well over 100,000 amp-hours. The reactant tanks of hydrogen and oxygen can be stored indefinitely, no differently than if they were stored gas cylinders. A 5-year shelf life with no reduction in performance is typical.

For easy subsea connection the Subsea Supercharger uses Teledyne ODI DryMate / WetMate connectors. Teledyne Benthos acoustic modems are integrated into the system, which transmit up to 15.36 kbps of information over 9-27 kHz frequency bands to transducers 6km away.

Contact BlueZone Group for further information to discuss your subsea power application.

Read More: Untethered Seafloor Power

 Subsea Supercharger Brings Electric Power to the Seafloor
The Subsea Supercharger is initially being developed for deployments to 1000m.
 Subsea Supercharger Brings Electric Power to the Seafloor
Seabed Power Generation enabling and enhancing subsea operations with on demand subsea power.



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