Shark Tags Get ClearSignal® Treatment

Shark Tags Get ClearSignal® Treatment

Shark Tags Get ClearSignal® Treatment

Quality Antifouling for 10-year Tag Life

When the NSW Department of Primary Industries needed a high-quality and long-lasting anti-fouling treatment for their shark tags, they selected ClearSignal® as the right product for the job.

The NSW Government’s shark tagging program is now estimated to be the largest in the world. Tracking sharks is helping NSW DPI scientists to determine their movement patterns and increase our knowledge of shark behaviour. Research shows that some White Sharks travel tens of thousands of kilometres, some moving across the Bight to Western Australia, others to Tasmania and New Zealand.

The shark tags are fixed to juvenile sharks and operate for ten years – hence the need for a product like ClearSignal®.

ClearSignal® is a clear non-toxic rubber-like coating that resists biofouling as a result of the non-stick properties of the coating itself. ClearSignal® utilizes advanced material technologies to achieve its properties and performance. The product is permanent coating that is designed to last the life of the platform or instrument it is protecting. Unlike anti-fouling systems that rely on active biocides and whose effectiveness degrades with time, ClearSignal remains 100% effective for the intended life of the instrument. ClearSignal is optically clear – compatible with optical transducers, instruments housings retain all instruments markings and identification features.

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NSW tagged as a world leader in shark program

Clear Signal Biofouling Coating

 Shark Tags Get ClearSignal® Treatment
DPI tags a shark as part of the NSW Government’s $16 million Shark Management Strategy.
 Shark Tags Get ClearSignal® Treatment
 Shark Tags Ready for ClearSignal® Lifetime Antifoul Coating.