MIND Technology SpectralAi Software
Klein Marine Systems Licence Agreement with MIND Technology for its SpectralAi Software Suite.
Klein Marine Systems Director of Strategic Hydrographic Programs, Dr. Peter Ramsay is coming out to Australia in January 2024 to promote the latest MIND SpectralAi software suite and conduct a series of demonstrations. Following the recent sale of Klein Marine Systems to General Oceans, MIND has licenced its Spectral AI software suite to General Oceans for certain applications such as side-scan sonar.
Klein Marine Systems have over 50 years of experience with offshore mapping and defence industries and are the world’s leading supplier of side-scan sonar equipment and waterside security and surveillance systems. Klein side scan sonar systems are respected as the standard of excellence in the industry and are deployed by governments, navies, port authorities, surveyors, oil companies, and universities worldwide.
The SpectralAi software is a revolutionary new feature-rich application that allows the user to interact with survey data efficiently and intuitively. The SpectralAi software suite includes Scribe, Nexus, and Scribe ATR. The SpectralAi Scribe allows users to create a project from previously acquired survey data and review it in traditional waterfall playback or use the preview to migrate to areas of interest. The SpectralAi Nexus employs Deep Learning Technology to convert the Scribe target annotations into a trained Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) model. These models are then used for automatic target recognition (ATR) processing of survey data.
After training, the SpectralAi Scribe ATR expands Scribe’s user experience with the addition of an ATR toolbar. The Scribe ATR toolbar adds Deep Learning Technology to automatically detect and classify targets in survey data. It uses the CNN models created by Nexus to process data in a fraction of the time it would take a person to review, and target annotate the data.
For more information about the upcoming demonstrations of the Klein products with the SpectralAi software, contact the team at BlueZone.
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Klein Marine Systems – Sidescan Sonar Systems
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MIND Technology – SpectralAI Software Suite