Remote MCM

Klein Marine Systems Legacy Product Transition Plan

Klein Marine Systems Announces the Next Chapter of Maritime Technology

Klein Marine Systems, the world leader of side-scan technology revealed an exciting new chapter to redefine the maritime industry. These new groundbreaking advancements focus on next-generation platforms and technologies, whilst transitioning away from legacy products. Klein’s new offerings will exceed expectations and set new standards for performance, reliability and efficiency.


Klein’s transition announcement is due to the discontinuation of critical manufacturing components, carry-over technology and the increased costs of production supply chain partners have incurred in the aftermath of COVID-19. The strategic decision to gradually transition away from the legacy products over the next six months, enables Klein to streamline operations and enhance manufacturing capabilities. Klein’s current focus on Mine Countermeasures (MCM) applications continue to offer their trusted 5900 side scan sonar, the 5000V2 and UUV3500 as part of their product range.


The products affected by this transition includes:

4000, 4900, MaxView 600, 4K-SVY, 4K-MAX, 4K-UHR SSS.


BlueZone’s commitment to “service what we sell” offers our customers in-country support for their products. BlueZone extends our support to Australian and New Zealand customers throughout Klein’s transition phase over the next 18 to 24 months. As we navigate this journey, Klein are offering customers a discount on existing legacy instruments and encouraging service agreements whilst inventory lasts. Together, BlueZone and Klein are dedicated to assisting our customers during these changes and available to discuss the exciting new capabilities that Klein’s products will offer the industry.


If you have any questions or concerns, please reach the BlueZone team at


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Klein Marine Systems Legacy Product Transition Plan

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Remote MCM
Klein Systems 5900 Advanced ultra high resolution side scan sonar with an integrated gap filler and swath bathymetry sonar for MCM and surveillance missions Photo Credit Klein Marine Systems