BlueZone Group teams for Subs in Schools

BlueZone Group teams for Subs in Schools

BlueZone Group teams for Subs in Schools

BlueZone joined with other Perth-based companies to team with local high schools for a Marine Industry School Pathways Program Subs in Schools  Event. UVS was teamed with Willeton Senior High School for the Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) competition.

The WA School Pathways Program is one of 14 Commonwealth Government Industry Skilling Program Enhancement initiatives that together seek to expand the pool of young people who the defence industry sector can recruit, enhance work and career pathways in the sector, and address specific defence industry skills gaps. The SPP has facilitated, implemented and supported 20 Sustainable STEM-based initiatives with a focus on links with defence industry careers.

BlueZone representatives enjoyed participation in the Subs in Schools event and said that it was great to see the interest of students in STEM careers in defence and the ocean industry.

Students compete in the ROV competition in the school swimming pool.

Fishy Business

Fishy Business

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