AUV62-AT Intermediate Anti-Submarine Warfare Training Target
AUV62-AT Intermediate Anti-Submarine Warfare Training Target
Train as You Fight
BlueZone Group is pleased to announce their support to Saab Australia, for the future management of operation, repair and maintenance of the AUV62-AT, Intermediate Anti-Submarine Warfare Training Target.
BlueZone CEO, Elizabeth Karpiel, said “it was especially pleasing to be working in close support of Saab for the introduction of an important new capability for Anti-Submarine Warfare Training.” “BlueZone has been a service partner for Saab for more than 20 years,” said Elizabeth. “In that time, we have worked together to provide excellence in support for the Double Eagle Mine Disposal System operated from the Huon Class Minehunter Coastal.” “The result has been a win-win with a local Defence SME providing focused, flexible and innovative support to the Navy while, at the same time building a sovereign capability in maritime robotics,” said Elizabeth.
BlueZone now supports Uncrewed Maritime Systems, including the Double Eagle Remotely Operated Vehicle, Boeing Liquid Robotics Wave Glider, and HII Hydroid REMUS. Maritime robotics will be an important contributor to the future capability of the Defence, to maintain a technology edge and enable dull, dangerous, and dirty tasks to be completed while minimising risks to the crews.
In the future, the Navy fleet’s ASW capability will be a key contributor to operations in the Australian area of interest. The number of submarines operating in the Indian Ocean is predicted to increase significantly in the next five to ten years. As ASW capabilities become more advanced, the techniques for training and qualification of the crews need to also advance. The AUV62-AT, is an example of a maritime robotics system that provides the Navy with new tools for advanced training scenarios, meaning that ships are better prepared for future operations.
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