MARVEL-MAGNETO, the most compact AUV detecting magnetic anomalies

Seaber’s MARVEL is the new generation of AUV meant for defense applications deployed and recovered with confidence. The MARVEL range is used more for defense-oriented sectors such as security, Coast Guard, MCM missions, and ASW training.


The MARVEL-MAGNETO AUV just makes AUV technology accessible. Using MARVEL-MAGNETO is certainly one of the most simple and cost-effective ways to detect magnetic anomalies. Equipped with a fluxgate magnetometer sensor from Sensys MARVEL-MAGNETO provides a great quality image with high stability, accurate navigation, and is capable of managing coastal areas with waves and current.

MARVEL-MAGNETO is equipped with an underwater acoustic positioning and communication module. With an autonomy of up to 8 hours, and speed of up to 6knots, and a depth rated at 300m. The INX navigation, DVL, and acoustic positioning, MARVEL-MAGNETO is able to have a navigation accuracy equal to <5m absolute positioning within the USBL surface module range. The SEAPLAN software provides an ideal and versatile interface for the MARVEL-MAGNETO AUV and has pre-defined lawn-mover patterns to make a swift scan mission.


Key Features:
  • INX Navigation system
  • DVL
  • SEAPLAN Software
  • Embedded rechargeable batteries
  • Field case and accessories
  • Acoustic positioning and communication module
  • Autonomous buoy with USBL unit and dual antenna GNSS-RTK module




    • Frequency: 1Mhz
    • Max altitude: 50 meters
    • Max velocity: 2,6 m/s
    • Velocity resolution: 0.01 mm/s

Acoustic Positioning USBL:

    • Acoustic range: 1km radius horizontal, 1km vertical
    • Range Resolution: +/-0.1m
    • Velocity of Sound Range: 1300ms-1 to 1700ms-1
    • Beacon Velocity: Active Doppler compensation, up to 15kts


    • Range: X, Y, Z magnetic vector @ 100 Hz
    • Measurement Range: +/-100.00nT
    • Resolution: <150 pT
    • Linearity: <20 ppm


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Blueprint SeaTrac System


For more information on the MARVEL-MAGNETO, contact the team at BlueZone.

Key Features

Up to 25-hour mission duration

Speeds up to 4.2 knots

Increased module payload capacity

Search and recovery


Deep sea mineral exploration

Marine & Fisheries research

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