IMOS Rides a Technology Wave

IMOS Rides a Technology Wave

IMOS Rides a Technology Wave

BlueZone Group welcomes the great support for marine science to be included in the May Federal Budget, 2018. Two of the high priority recommendations in the National Marine Science Plan have been addressed including expanding the operations of RV Investigator and funding for Integrated Marine Observing Systems (IMOS) infrastructure and operations. The funding presents an opportunity for IMOS to be sustained into the third decade. There will also be new investments in IMOS, as a mix of needed capital re-investment and increased operating expenditure. This is fantastic news, and BlueZone joins the IMOS community for the support provided by the Australian Government.

Australia has been one of the global leaders in establishing a national integrated approach to ocean observations and marine research, especially through the establishment of the Integrated Marine Observing System as a federally-funded partnership among major national research providers. Integrated monitoring methods are becoming more coordinated with sophisticated data accessibility options coming online to provide some data streams in near real time.

There is likely to be a technological revolution in marine research in the coming decades. Technologies ranging from fine-scale, near continuous measurements, to new low-cost genetic techniques, and from autonomous platforms through to super high-resolution satellites, are beginning to allow us to answer previously impenetrable marine science questions. The Kailani Telemetry Buoy is an example of this. Originally developed for Defence needs, the KTB implements the “Internet of Things at Sea for receiving real-time data from deployed instruments.

IMOS Rides a Technology Wave
A Teledyne RDI Workhorse Long Ranger ADCP is included in an instrumented mooring in Antarctic waters The Long Ranger provides the longest profiling range available from a self contained ADCP Image Steve RintoulCSIRO


Moored ADCPs in Action Down Under
Teledyne RDI Sentinel V ADCP deployed in a seabed frame Sentinel V is now available with real time and bottom track options as well as data rates up to 16Hz