Finalist in 2014 Hunter Manufacturing Awards

Finalist in 2014 Hunter Manufacturing Awards

Finalist in 2014 Hunter Manufacturing Awards

UVS has been announced as a finalist in the 2014 Hunter Manufacturing Awards with winners to be announced at the Awards Event on Friday, 17th October 2014.

UVS has entered in the category for “Excellence in Technology”. Nominations were open in this category for a manufacturing company that has developed a new technology or has applied existing technology in a novel way that has increased sales, improved the productivity or increased the quality of its goods or services and positively impacted on safety due to the introduction of the new technology.

Darren Burrowes, CTO at UVS said that the UVS submission was based around the products that had been developed to complement the OEM suppliers that UVS provided distribution for in Australia. “We have worked closely with out Australian customer base and our OEM suppliers to develop complementary products that add value to the core product”, said Darren, “The result is a win-win when we respond to local needs with customised products and at the same time offer those products through the OEM global supply chain to their worldwide customer base”. Examples include:

• Double Eagle Products developed for Saab Seaeye and the Royal Australian Navy – more here

• Data Logger Products developed with Teledyne RD Instruments and Oceanographic and Water Resources customers – more here

• Wave Glider Products developed with Liquid Robotics and the Department of Defence – Maritime Signature Management & Target Services – more here

UVS thanks the organisers and sponsors of the Hunter Manufacturing Awards and wishes all fellow finalists the best of luck for the Awards Night when the skill and capability of Hunter manufacturing will be celebrated.

Finalist in 2014 Hunter Manufacturing Awards Finalist in 2014 Hunter Manufacturing Awards Finalist in 2014 Hunter Manufacturing Awards